Friday 15 September 2017

Pulau Besar

Pulau Besar (Pulau = Island; Besar = Big in Malay), is a tiny island off the coast of Johor. This island was formerly called Pulau Babi Besar (Babi = pig/wild boar in Malay). Pulau Besar is the ideal island for get way your stressful and unhealthy city lifestyle.
We took 2 days 1-night package which including the transport of boat form jetty to Pulau Besar and one breakfast, one lunch and one dinner. On the first day, we take a boat from the jetty in Mersing to the Pulau Besar. The boat ride from Mesing to Pulau Besar take around 40 minutes.

Speed boat.

We stayed in the Aseania Beach Resort and the resort is just a small wooden house. In this wooden house including facilities such as air-conditioning, desk, separate shower and tub, mini refrigerator, satellite TV as well as complimentary bottled of water.

Enjoy the beautiful view at the white sandy beach.

My “house” in Pulau Besar.

Besides that, the most important is there is no Wi-Fi at resort and the line at here is very weak.  It was perfect for me as I wanted to have a quiet getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city. The Aseania resort have provided snorkelling package to us but I choose to stay in the resort by walking around to enjoy the nature of this place.

Behind our resort have huge mountain there.

The dinner is barbecue buffet. There was endless stream of barbecue chicken, lamb, satay, prawn, grilled fish etc. 

It was fun and relax in Pulau Besar.